Join Team Maxing Out as they sail around the world on their Privilege 39 catamaran, Exit Only. Team Maxing Out chronicles their exploits during an eleven year circumnavigation. Experience their adventures as they sail through Pirate Alley and up the Red Sea. Find out what it's like to sail through a global tsunami in Thailand. Dodge floating debris with them as they carefully navigate through tsunami debris crossing the Indian Ocean. Sail up the Kumai River in Borneo and visit the endangered Orangutans of Kalimantan. Explore the crystal clear waters of southern Turkey and sail through the Corinth Canal of Greece. Ride out a storm at sea as Exit Only sails from Gibraltar to the Canary Islands. Discover what it's like to sail on the ocean of your dreams.

Captain Dave - David J. Abbott M.D.





Exit Only

See What It's Like To Sail On The Ocean Of Your Dreams

Capture the essence of what it's like to sail offshore in a catamaran around the world when conditions are less than perfect. Listen to "Captain - Save Our Souls" and "The Red Sea Blues" perfomed by Too Many Drummers. Experience our Red Sea adventures watching excerpts from the Red Sea Chronicles. Trade wind sailing is over when you start the 1500 mile slog up the Red Sea. Just because it isn't easy doesn't mean it's not worth it - as long as you survive! Enjoy.

Sailing Dreams

Every cruise begins with a dream, and once that dream takes hold, the course is set for the rest of your life. Cruising dreams are dangerous because they are contagious. I caught my cruising dream from Robin Lee Graham when he sailed tiny Dove single-handed around the world at age sixteen. After reading about his adventures in National Geographic, I instantly knew that one day I would sail around the world on my own sailboat. It was only a matter of time before I set sail with my fellow dreamers on our catamaran Exit Only. We became Unstoppable, Consistently Positive, Endlessly Persistent Doers of Dreams.

Offshore catamaran capable of sailing around the world
Offshore Dream Machine

Exit Only - Privilege 39 Catamaran

No Security No Survivors

Go ahead. Live your dreams.

Grand schemes and other important things
Grand Schemes

Rocking the world.

Listen to the sound of your dreams
Sound Of Your Dreams

Negativity Not Allowed.

Everywhere, Everything

Where did we go?

Wandering, not lost
Wandering But Not Lost

Not rich and famous!

Cruising 101

We started our circumnavigation as novices and finished as experts. We are living proof that good seamanship can make up for a lack of experience. Before we started, we had never sailed offshore at night, and we had never made a passage of more than fifty miles. We had never been in a storm at sea, and we only sailed our catamaran six times before we cast off our docklines. We had a massive amount to learn about cruising and sailing offshore, and you can learn those lessons here in Cruising 101.

Storm management for cruisers
Storm Management

Parachutes Anchors and Drogues

Positive Sailing
Abbott Drogue

Drogue for winds to 50 knots

Beugel Anchor

Never fail anchoring system

Danger zones

High lifelines and safety halyards

Safari Daktari
Protect Your Autopilot

Your autopilot protects you

No Bruising Cruising

Down wind dreams.

Cruising 202

Fear prevents thousands of people from setting sail. Fear did not stop Team Maxing Out. If you are afraid to venture offshore, you need to read the "Top Ten Cruising Disasters That Never Happened." Follow that up with "Thirty-Four Lessons That I Learned In 33,000 Miles." When you drop your dock lines and raise your sails, you don't drop off the edge of the world. Things pretty much continue just as before except that THEY ARE BETTER!

Top ten cruising disasters that never happened
Cruising Disasters

Top ten that never happened

34 things I have learned in 33 thousand miles
34 Lessons In 33,000 Miles

34 Unforgettable lessons

Night Sailing

Why night sailing rocks!

When are you coming home?
When Are You Coming Home?

Home is where your heart is.

Anchor down in paradise
Anchor Down in Paradise

Escape the cost of living high.

Feel The Freedom

Freedom is only a thought away.

Cruising 303

Tsunamis destroy everything in their path. Although we experienced tsunami warnings as we sailed across the Pacific Ocean, disaster never happened. It was not until we arrived in Thailand that we got our graduate degree in tsunamis. We were in Phuket when the global tsunami killed more than 100,000 people along the perimeter of the Indian Ocean. We now have profound respect for the power of tsunamis, and we have strategies to protect ourselves when cruising in Tsunamiland.

Global Tsunami

Exit Only survives global tsunami!

Tsunami Damage

Starboard bow keeps on ticking!

Tsunami Lessons

How to survive a tsunami.

Space Travel
Space Travel

Travelling in near space.


Spreaderman saves our boat again!

True Adventure

Red Sea Adventure!

Cruising 404

Cruising around the world isn't all work and no play. Plenty of awesome adventures happen that are not a threat to life and limb. Sailing up the Kumai River in Borneo to observe the endangered orangutans of Kalimantan ranks high on the bucklist of real ocean cruisers. Snorkling in the crashed airplane of a Colombian drug lord is a once in a lifetime experience. Island critters have their own stories to tell. If you are lucky, you might even meet the Master and Commander of Anegada.

Orangutans Of Borneo

Sail up the Kumai River of Kalimantan

Drug Lord's Plane

Snorkle in Norman's Key Lagoon.

Master And Commander Of Anegada

I've got the Frigate bird blues.

Turquoise clouds in paradise
Turquoise Clouds in Paradise

Seeing is believing.

David And Goliath

Biting off more than you can chew.

Maximillian The Great

I am the greatest!

Cruising 505

People who sail around the world are different. They don't do the same things as everyone else, and they are guilty of living their dreams. They experience a type of freedom known only to real ocean cruisers. They are willing to take the risk and accept the consequences of sailing on the ocean of their dreams. When adversity pays a visit, they modify their plans, stick to their purpose, and never surrender their dreams.

Everyone Anonymous

Different is good.

What would Steve do?

What would Steve do?

Kissing Cobras

Ultimate financial security

Red Sea rigors and rumors
Red Sea Rigors And Rumors

Surviving the rumor mill.

Never Surrender Your Dreams

What to do in adversity!

Red Sea Sunsets

Sandy sunsets and orange sky.

Cruising 606

Cruising connects you with the universe in a uniquely powerful way. You become one with your yacht and the sea, and you immediately sense changes in the wind and waves. Even the clouds have a story to tell. You get to know the sea in all its moods, and you learn how to survive. It's not long before you establish your seastead, and the ocean becomes your home.

Exit Only Visa

How Exit Only got her name.

Life is good
Life Is Good

Immersed in the miraculous.

Getting Connected

Don't get disconnected.

You Must Know The Sea

How to become a true mariner.

Survive The Savage Seas
Survive The Savage Seas

Awesome boat brakes.


Go west young man!

Cruising 707

The good, the bad, and the ugly accompany you on your voyage around the world. The good is simply amazing, and you want it to continue forever. The bad usally doesn't last long, and it doesn't get ugly very often. You learn to not trust blonde boa constrictors, and you don't let the jaws of fear devour your dreams. You focus on the good times and forget the bad times. You don't worry too much about the future, and instead you focus on where to take the next step.

Scotty - Beam Me Up

Turkish Reflections.

Pirates of the Malacca Straits
Pirates Of The Malacca Straits

Don't trust blonde boa constrictors.

Debriosaurus Rex

The tree that tried to eat my boat.

The Seaworthy Catamaran

Big seas and small cat.

Storms come and go
Don't Focus On The Storms

Storms come and go.

The Next Step

You don't have to see far in the distance.

Cruising 808

You only get one life, and you should make it into an unforgettable adventure. Point your bow west and become addicted to downwind sailing. It won't be long before trade wind dreams take over your life, and you develop Sailing Addiction Disorder for which there is no known cure. The only treatment is to sail downwind around the world.

Missing Out

Don't miss out.

The facts of life
The Facts Of Life

How many lives do you get?

Trade Wind Dreams

I've got trade wind dreams.

Lizard Island Miracle

Cook's Look at Lizard Island.

My addiction
My Addiction

There is only one cure!

Riyadh Roulette

Think it and do it!

Cruising 909

When dreams are born, they are weak and vulnerable and easily die from neglect. The only way for your dreams to survive is put them into the intensive care unit of your mind. If you keep your dreams alive, they will keep you alive and make your life worth living. Your dreams become the center around which you organize your life. Dreams do come true. When you drop your dock lines and set sail for distant horizons, your life will never be the same.

Dreams Do Come True

Dangerous dreams.

I have a dream
I Have A Dream

My multihull dreams.

Double Headsail Downwind

Mastering downwind sailing.

Rigging Emergency Averted

Listening to your boat.

Clouds are a sailor's friend
Clouds Are A Sailor's Friend

Listen to what the clouds are saying.

Far Horizons

Don't live in a horizonless world!

Meet The Crew Of Exit Only - Team Maxing Out
Captain Dave

Dave Abbott - Captain Dave sailed around the world with his family on his Privilege 39 catamaran, Exit Only. Captain Dave has owned six Land Rover Defender expeditionary vehicles and one FJ 40 that he has driven through Arabia, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Panama, New Zealand, and Australia. He is planning a driving trip around the world in a Defender 110 Land Rover.

Donna Abbott

Donna Abbott - First Mate - Donna earned her stripes the old fashioned way by enduring the rigors of passage making for the thrill of exploring exotic ports across the globe. If Donna could travel full time, she would. There's no place on planet earth that she does not want to visit. She has explored more countries than two people could count on all their fingers and toes. Air travel is her least favorite method of travel. But if you put her on board Exit Only or behind the wheel of a Defender 110, she will go anywhere.

Wendy Abbott

Wendy Abbott - Mate - Wendy is a veteran of dozens of adventures around the world. She sailed halfway around the world on board Exit Only from Florida to New Zealand. She drives Defender 110 Land Rovers like a professional and has tens of thousand of miles under her belt on her adventures on land and sea. When not adventuring, she works as a doctor.


David Abbott - Mate - David shot over 170 hours of footage on the voyage from Australia to Florida. He then produced the Red Sea Chronicles. In addition to the narrating the film, David scored, performed, and recorded the soundtrack for the project. David sails catamarans like a mad man, and drives Defender 110 Land Rovers until the wheels fall off or he is out of gas. He is a good mate on land and sea.

Sarah Abbott

Sarah Abbott - Mate - Sarah is an adventurer and offshore sailor with a trip from Australia to the Med under her belt. She sailed through Pirate Alley, up the Red Sea, and into cinematic glory in the Red Sea Chronicles. She loves life on the high seas, and is ready for another sailing voyage with Team Maxing Out. Her fresh and enthusiastic perspective on cruising helped make the Red Sea Chronicles so special. Sarah grew up in France and is fluent in French. When not adventuring, she works as a physician's assistant.

Red Sea Chronicles - An Awesome Sailing Adventure And A First Class Gift

Captain Dave and his family spent eleven years sailing around the world on their Privilege 39 catamaran, Exit Only. During the trip, the crew shot 200 hours of video with professional cameras to show people what it's like to sail on a small boat around the world.

The Red Sea Chronicles is a one hour and twenty-two minute feature film showing their adventures as Exit Only sails through Pirate Alley in the Gulf of Aden and up the Red Sea. The professional footage documents their experiences in Oman, Yemen, Eritrea, Sudan, Egypt, and the Suez Canal. It chronicles the rigors of traveling in a remote section of the world rarely visited by cruisers. Exit Only dodges Yemeni pirates, fights a gale and sand storms in the Bab al Mandeb at the southern entrance to the Red Sea. The crew explores deserted islands on the western shores of the Red Sea, and learns to check the cruising guides for land mines before venturing ashore.

The Red Sea Chronicles also has outstanding Special Features including an Instructional Video on Storm Management that tells sailors how to deal with storms at sea.

And don't forget the two Music Videos: "The Red Sea Blues", and "Captain - Save Our Souls".

The Red Sea Chronicles is a first class adventure that stokes the sailing dreams of both experienced and wannabe sailors alike.

Red Sea Chronicles

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