When I was young, I never thought about the sacredness of life. It took many years to dawn on me that there was a balance to Nature, and when we violate that balance, bad things happen on planet earth.
I thought our planet was like Superman - it was invulnerable. Nothing could destroy it.
Unfortunately, Superman was not invulnerable - green kryptonite could take him out.
Planet earth actually is invulnerable. Nothing will destroy it.
Life is an entirely different thing. Life is not invulnerable, and humans are the green kryptonite of planet earth.
Humans have the power to end life on our planet. We have already achieved that by being directly responsible for the extinction of thousands of species in my short life time.
When I was young, I never thought that the grand experiment of life could come to an end.
Now that I have made seventy-one trips around the sun and sailed on Exit Only around the world, it’s clear that life on our planet is hanging in the balance.
The decisions that humans make in the next thirty years will either result in the preservation of the species or the destruction of the species - thousands of species are on the brink of destruction.
Human beings are the most intelligent species on planet earth, and we have distinguished ourselves as the species that uses our intelligence in the most destructive manner. Our lifestyles have become weapons of mass destruction.
I am not a person who worships at the altar of the apocalypse, nor am I student of end times. That being said, any intelligent observer can see forces lining up that are an existential threat to all living things.
Swimming with sea turtles in Galapagos is a potent reminder that humans can live in harmony in the natural world. The sea turtles were not afraid of us in the Galapagos, and there was no reason for them to be afraid. We were living in harmony, and we posed no threat to their existence.
I lived in Saudi Arabia for sixteen years, and I saw first hand that taking animals to the point of near extinction is easy to achieve in less than a generation. Rheem Ghazal and Dorcas Ghazal would have been wiped off planet earth by hunters with high-powered rifles were it not for a few private zoos that kept several remaining animals alive. The same can be said for the Arabian Oryx and Ostrich.
As the world engages in self-absorbed ethno-nationalism, most people have forgotten that we share planet earth with hundreds of thousands of other species who are without a country. They have forgotten that extinction is forever, and most of them don’t care.
I am glad that our grandchildren have been able to accompany us on this voyage on Exit Only. With their own eyes they have seen sea turtles, tortoises, and whales all of which were taken to the edge of extinction.
They now understand that all life is sacred, and as human beings, it is our responsibility that we do everything in our power to assure the survival of all remaining species.
I don’t want to live in a world that only has people, cats, dogs, cockroaches, and animals in cages.
That would be a sad world indeed.
Awesome music video that captures the essence of what it's like to sail offshore in a catamaran around the world when conditions are less than perfect. David Abbott from Too Many Drummers sings the vocals, and he also edited the footage from our Red Sea adventures. This is the theme song from the Red Sea Chronicles.
Sailing up the Red Sea is not for the faint of heart. From the Bab al Mandeb to the Suez Canal, adventures and adversity are in abundance. If you take things too seriously, you just might get the Red Sea Blues.
If you like drum beats, and you like adventure, then have a listen to the Red Sea Chronicles Trailer.
Flying fish assault Exit Only in the middle of the night as we sail through the Arabian Gulf from the Maldives to Oman. And so begins our Red Sea adventures.
Sailing through Pirate Alley between Yemen and Somalia involves calculated risk. It may not be Russian Roulette, but it is a bit of a worry. Follow Team Maxing Out as they navigate through Pirate Alley.
Stopping in Yemen was just what the doctor ordered. We refueled, repaired our alternator, and we made friends with our gracious Yemeni hosts. We also went to Baskins Robbins as a reward for surviving Pirate Alley.
After you survive Pirate Alley, you must sail through the Gate of Sorrows (Bab Al Mandab) at the southern entrance to the Red Sea. The Gate of Sorrows lived up to its name with fifty knots of wind and a sandstorm that pummeled Exit Only for two days. Life is good.
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